If the battery in your remote dies, you swap it out. But that type of battery standardization never existed for electric vehicles. That is until the Honda electric scooter debuted at the Consumer...
Category: Scooters
Kymco Scooter – How Do They Perform Against the Competition?
Just imagine, if you will, never having to search for another parking space again. Think for a moment how fantastic it would be to have a vehicle capable of driving you to work, yet small enough to...
Get Your Wheels Turning with This Razor E200 Electric Scooter Review
Learn everything you need to know about the Razor E200 Electric Scooter! It may be perfect for the child in your life or even just the child at heart!
Tired of wasting money on gas and sitting, sweating, and swearing in traffic every day? The best 50cc scooters may be the answer you are looking for.
5 Simple DIY Electric Scooter Repair Tricks You Can Do Yourself
Before learning about DIY electric scooter repair tricks, you might be interested to know that modern scooters can be traced back to 1895. At that time, patents for electric personal transport...
6 Tips for Keeping Yourself Safe While Driving Small Mobility Vehicles
If you suffer from limited mobility, a mobility scooter can make life a lot easier and a lot more independent. However, it is important you know how to stay safe.